Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Catching up with the Rods

It's not so much lack of interest or lack of time that keeps the blog from keeping up with the present. If I had to give a reason, it would be that I'm a slave to inertia. Go figure: I'm a model of Newtonian physics.

Here, then, as the summer season inches to a close, we present quick recap of the spring season:

  • It rained a lot.

  • We lost to MKF. Twice.

  • Never did we play the D-bag Ballers -- but we did give them an awesome nickname.

  • Jim J. sustained an awesome kicking streak, getting on base every time until the very last game.

  • Casey finished with the highest kicking average: .857.

  • Rob, Mark and John all kicked homers.

  • Alyson made up a super-sweet spin move.

  • Brian D. kicked 2 triples.

  • We finished the season with 4 wins, 2 losses and 0 fights.

  • Cory and Jim J. led the team with 6 runs kicked in each; Mark followed with 5.

Summer? Well, I've only been to two of the four games so far. We'll catch up on that ... oh, by the end of fall season.

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