Friday, April 18, 2008

Ramrod gets its groove back

After a long winter hiatus, Team Ramrod kickball is back to the field in fine form. The weather was kind enough to cooperate, even if the power at Demetral didn't. A temporary relocation to Warner Park didn't throw the Rod off its game at all.
Notable exploits of the first game of the Spring 2008 season:

  • Cory scored the first run

  • Brian Z. made the first unassisted double play

  • Jason wins the Jim Jonas Base Running Award

  • Mark and Jason (and others that maybe I didn't see ... Kevin, perhaps?) receive special commendation for their stylish submissions to gravity

The Rod marks down another win in the record books with its 3-1 victory over Kick This, Drink That. Next week: It's us against them in the battle of the D-Bag -- er, the ShopBop Ballers.

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