Friday, July 13, 2007

The Rod Narrative

To keep the narrative of the history of the rod alive,
I would like to begin a top ten plays list. Since they
are hard to remember, I think we can blend the "web gems"
and the "touch 'em all" categories. I propose we select
the plays based on:
1)Awesomeness (sic.)
2)Game situation
3)Spite for the other team
4)Spite for our own team
5)Can't nominate self
(there must be others)

I have two nominees (I'm terrible at context, so I'll have
to explain some next week):

1) "Web Gem Fireworks" Mark's sweet 8th inning catch (7/5/07)
2) "Chad Vader" Chad's homerun/triple (he hit is so far he was able to
run for a homerun and keep running for a triple). This spring,
I can look up the date.
3)"The relay" Sorry Cory.

We'll have to come up with cool names.


Kevin Gustafson said...

nice thought there Bri. Can we nominate Jeanne's inside the park homerun from a couple of weeks ago?

jason said...

Here are two more:

1. "The original": Bri's takedown of the thundering Budballer as she headed to first . . . I believe there is a reenactment of that floating around someplace. I hear they might even be making it into a screenplay.

2. "Message from heaven": Gerardo's hail mary released from deeeeeeeep left field that stuck the base-runer a step before she crossed home plate. Sure, it hit her in the head and she was safe, but I swear he released it as she was rounding second.

Anonymous said...

Brian D said....

I nominate Allyson's two putouts from the catcher's position last night. Yes, they seem routine, but I don't think we've ever had a catcher throw anyone out at first base. I also second Jason's "Message from Heaven". Still the best kickball throw I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of throws.

n-rod said...

Yes, Alyson's put-outs were pretty sweet. I do recall, though, that Sara Ward threw out a lady running to first in season's past ... nailed her right in the back. Super sweet. Gotta love the drilling.

Anonymous said...

Brian D said.....

True. I mentioned this to Mark as well. But to get it all the way to first ahead of the runner is something the Rod has yet to see. That's a powerful arm back there behind the plate....