Friday, July 27, 2007

There's no tying in kickball!

If you were there, you might have left thinking the game had ended in a tie.

You'd be wrong.

Last night's game, vs. Strategery, was a clear Ramrod victory. Sure, we struggled to hold on to a slim lead. Sure, we let 'em tie it up in the seventh inning. Sure, we went into an extra frame, as one was all time would allow.

But we beat 'em in the end, with two outs and no one on base, thanks to Cory's walk-off homer. The final score: 5-4.

There may have been a ruling that the ball was foul, but I don't believe it. The ball was clearly in fair territory, as it soared over their third baseman, over their left fielder, and up to high heaven. We choose to remember that ball as fair, just as we choose to remember Cory's crossing home plate as the game-winning score.

Besides, aren't we all tied for first place anyway?

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