Friday, October 17, 2008

Ramrod, sweet Ramrod

Another loss to MKF capped off the last of the '08 seasons for the Rod. But at least the 5-4 loss wasn't embarrassing. And a special thanks to Eddie Stevens, who kicked himself out on that awesome double.

We may go out with a 4-2-1 record, but we've acheived a Zen-like balance of winning, having fun and bitching about the other teams that rivals no other team camraderie I've ever seen.

Well played, Rod. Well played.

Stay loose on the off season.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

D-bags: The legend continues

We thought the D-bag Ballers had earned their nickname through repeated acts of d-baggery.

D-bag Ballers, you've been replaced.

The What Inning Is It? team is the new D-bag ballers. Or should it be What D-bag Is It?

Really, the shouting of "Manbunt!" from the field at each kicker would have won them the title. But the chirping didn't stop there, and a new crowd of D-bags were hatched.

No matter. The D-bags -- any d-bags -- have a role to play: Our bitch.

Meh. Ties.

Is there anything worse than a tie in kickball?

Maybe not remembering that Owen Wilson was in "Armageddon."