Saturday, September 20, 2008

We are MKF's bitch

The history between Militant Kindergarten Front and Team Ramrod began with Ramrod's first season with MUSA kickball.

While the stats are spotty at best, the record breaks down like this:
  • Spring '04: Pretty sure we won; our record was 4-2-1; MKF was 1-6 (was MKF the team whose runner missed third base? if so, we win, 2-1)
  • Fall '04: Didn't play each other
  • Spring '05: Ramrod 4, MKF 2
  • Summer '05: Didn't play each other
  • Fall '05: MKF 14, Ramrod 4
  • Spring '06: Didn't play each other
  • Summer '06-Summer '07: Files missing
  • Fall '07: MKF 11, Ramrod 9; MKF 5, Ramrod 5
  • Spring '08: MKF 12, Ramrod 8; MKF 10, Ramrod 1
  • Summer '08: Ramrod 4, MKF 2
  • Fall '08: MKF 10, Ramrod 7

And so it continues. MKF has our number: A hard first inning -- often known as the Ramrod inning, where we give up a few too many runs as our defense takes a mini vacation -- and we were playing catch-up the whole game. We came within one, but the failed comeback's fate was sealed when Jim J. threw to a phantom third baseman, and two runs scored.

Ah, well. If we have to be someone's bitch, it may as well be MKF.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Once a D-bag, always a D-bag

Finally, the Rod faced off against the D-bag Ballers.

After missing out on playing them twice in the summer season -- thanks, weather -- the stars aligned and we met them on the firld of glory on a muggy September night.

The game was handily ours; the Ballers had a team short a girl, though they didn't bother with the ghost out. No matter; we didn't need the charity.

But the true D-bag colors shone after the game, when they shirked their umping duties in fvor of ... drinking at Slice's -- at least, that's the story to which we're sticking.

So Cory the softie let 'em go, and we filled in to ump for the second time that night. No problem; we weren't going anywhere. But the rules say every team has to ump, and that's just cheeseball when not even two people on the team can pitch in and help out.

The D-bags might have lost their D-bag designator, were it not for the bagging out on the umping.

That's D-bag behavoir. all the way.